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Top Herbs for Metabolic and Blood Glucose Support

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT


Laurence Katsaras, MAppSc(Acu), BHsc(Nat), AdvDip(ClassHM)

Continuing Education Units: 0

Event Description:

Blood glucose, insulin, central adiposity, and blood lipids are the core features of metabolic health. Metabolic disruptions can gradually and silently develop over years and often go undetected until well established, when they impact health and significantly increase the risk for cardiometabolic challenges..[i] Fortunately, there is a lot that Practitioners can offer their patients. Metabolic parameters have a distinct architecture, with multi-system drivers throughout specific organs and organ systems, cells, and the genome. Untangling this web and enhancing the patient’s natural metabolic function can provide a cascade of benefits to their short and long-term health. Thankfully, herbal ingredients offer Practitioners effective clinical tools that can positively initiate this cascade. In this presentation Laurence Katsaras will review established and explore the emerging drivers and risk factors for cardiometabolic challenges. He will dive into detail on effective herbal ingredients that have been studied to support blood glucose and metabolic health. Providing insights on the application of such herbs and established protocols that can be used to achieve clinical results.



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.