High-Quality, Wholesome Grains that Make Healthful Living Easier
Holistic Living Begins at Home with Organic Whole Grains
Royal Lee Organics® brings certified organic whole grains, a revolutionary flour mill, and unique recipes into your home. Over 90 years ago, when Dr. Royal Lee made the connection between organic whole foods and optimal health, he dedicated his life to helping people maximize the nutritional value in their foods. He understood that growing and sourcing organic foods was not enough. In order to harness vital nutrients, you need to have stringent quality control methods in place. He built his legacy on innovating around these methods – from cultivating crops to processing them, he pioneered many methods that are still being practiced today as people continue to live healthy lives with Royal Lee Organics foods.
Dr. Royal LeeHigh-Quality Grains and Healthy Inspirations
We aim to provide the finest whole grains and mills available because we believe that high-quality organic foods provide health benefits that improve quality of life. Our organic whole grains are full of vital nutrients that can be best preserved by processing them at home – delivering a higher standard of freshness. Using our patented Lee Household Flour Mill gives homemade recipes the nutrients and flavors they deserve.

The Grains
Royal Lee Organics offers a wide variety of delicious, organic grains that can be used with your Lee Household Mill or cooked on their own. Studies have shown that whole grains have many health benefits.

The Mill
Dr. Royal Lee developed the mill to bring nutritious, fresh, whole wheat flour to everyday baking. He considered the processed, bleached white flour being produced by the large flour companies of his day to be nutritionally inferior and potentially challenging to one’s health.

Healthy living begins in the kitchen. Good recipes inspire new meals for the entire family to enjoy. We’ve created a complementary library that’s readily available online to help people integrate our fresh ingredients into nutritious meals from salads to rice substitutes – there’s much to explore.

Our Organic Whole Grains Support the Whole You

Organic Buckwheat Groats
Helps maintain cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and lower your cholesterol

Organic Einkorn
Aids in strengthening bones, protecting the body’s cells and creating a healthy immune system

Organic Whole Oats
Helps support cardiovascular health, a healthy inflammation response, and helps increase energy

Organic Thick Rolled Oats
Helps support cardiovascular health, a healthy inflammation response, and helps increase energy

Organic Spelt Berries
Helps to facilitate healthy digestion, boost immune system, and support bone health

Organic Soft White Wheat
Helps support cardiovascular health, a healthy inflammation response, and healthy digestion

Organic Quinoa
Helps support strengthening bones, healthy blood pressure, and a healthy immune system

Organic Hard Red Wheat Berries
Helps support cardiovascular health, a healthy digestion, and bone health

Organic Emmer (also known as Farro)
Supports heart health, helps increases energy, and supports healthy digestion